Tumblecloud(dot)com was a collaborative storytelling digital platform utilizing animation, audio, docs, illustrations, images, text, videos, into multifaceted projects. 

Lead Photographer, Director of Artist Relations & Content Curator

Researched and curated a vast collection of images, videos, and audio content for the TC Virtual Library, ensuring correct licensing, copyright compliance, tagging, metadata accuracy, and optimal image sizing. Collaborated with artists to source additional content and engaged with Al-Jazeera News for access to their Creative Commons repository of videos. Leveraged US National Parks B-roll footage and archived an extensive compilation of imagery and footage from prestigious institutions such as the Library of Congress, Smithsonian Archives, and various international, national, and state-level repositories. Curated Jamendo's global network of music for integration into the TC Virtual Library.

Played a pivotal role in instilling the TC platform for both creative and business end-users, developing projects utilizing all facets of the TC app. Acted as one of the primary beta-testers for comprehensive evaluation of TC functionality, deeply exploring primary end-user experiences and identifying coding incompatibilities, errors, and bugs. Organized and facilitated group beta testing sessions to solicit user input and feedback, driving iterative improvements to refine the final product.

Screen shots below: Projects developed on the TC app. All images used are public domain, exceptions noted.

 TC Projects   


TC Projects




 TC Project WPA Images  


TC Project WPA Images



 TC Virtual Library content   


TC Virtual Library content




 TC Library National Park Service B-roll content   


TC Library National Park Service B-roll content




 TC Project FBI National Stolen Art File  


TC Project FBI National Stolen Art File



 TC won the 2012 Professional Photographer's Magazine "Hot Ones Award" for "Online Album Design and Hosting Categorycopyright Professional Photographer's Magazine


TC won the 2012 Professional Photographer's Magazine "Hot Ones Award" for "Online Album Design and Hosting Category

copyright Professional Photographer's Magazine




Copyright 2024 Farrol Mertes
